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DEI 101: A Guide for Professionals.

I am incredibly lucky. I've had the privilege of having the time and resources to learn a lot about diversity and inclusion. When I graduated my masters degree, I had an overwhelming feeling that, in spite of that privilege, there was nothing I could do myself to enact change. The disconnection between what I had learnt in academia about discrimination in society and the actions people were only starting to take on in the real world was huge. How could I possibly bridge it?

Since joining a more corporate space, I've done my best to start building that bridge with information, honesty and resources; but again only some of us, the lucky ones, have the time to sift through hundreds of resources and noise to decipher what we should give our attention to. I figured that having gone through the effort myself, I should share what I've found with others.

So this guide is your starting point. Whether you're a seasoned DEI adviser, someone starting their advocacy journey, or someone who knows NOTHING about DEI- you can find something useful here. I hope this will be the first of many resources of this kind, and that you will find value in the books, videos, leaders and reflections I've suggested below.

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